Ajándék minden vásárláshoz
ÜGYFÉLSZOLGÁLAT: H - P a 6:00 - 18:00 GST
Szállítási garancia
Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows
Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows
Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows
Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows
Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows
Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows
Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows
Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows
Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows
Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows
Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows
Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows
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Ingyenes szállítás
Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows
Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows
Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows
Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows
Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows
Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows
Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows
Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows
Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows
Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows
Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows
Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows

Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows



17 331 Ft27 953 Ft -38%

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Ingyenes szállítás
Ügyfél-elégedettségi garancia
Ajándék minden vásárláshoz
Költségmentes csere

Biztonságos fizetés

Pallet of eye shadows shiny and matt eye shadows 5 colors Luxury palette of eye shadows Waterproof eye shadows

In today's fashion and beauty world, it is important to have cosmetics available, which is not only quality but also multifunctional. luxury palette of eye shadows meets all these requirements, offers five different shades that you can combine to create a perfect look for every occasion. From matte to glittering textures, each shade is carefully selected to provide a wide range of options for experimenting with different looks.

Main characteristics:

  • Five unique shades: It offers a combination of matte and glittering finishes for endless makeup possibilities.
  • Waterproof composition: Ensures that your makeup lasts intact throughout the day, regardless of weather or activity.
  • Luxurious packaging: Paletka is designed with respect to elegance and practicality, ideal for traveling.
  • High pigmentation: Provides intense color at the first application and allows easy blanching.
  • Long-lasting effect: Thanks to quality components, eye shadows remain in place and retain their color for a long time..
  • Package contents: 1 pcs

This palette is designed for every woman who wishes to emphasize her beauty and express her unique style. Whether you are a lover of natural appearance or prefer a bolder makeup, with these shades you can create a look that perfectly matches your mood and opportunities. Waterproof formulation ensures that your trial remains intact regardless of what awaits you during the day.

Investment in this luxury palettes of eye shadows means investing in a product that allows you to experiment with different looks without having to compromise in quality or durability. With a combination of matte and glittering shades, you can discover every day a new look that reflects your personality and style. This palette is a perfect companion for every woman who wants to give her appearance a little luxury and certainty that her makeup will remain perfect throughout the day..

Szállítás és kézbesítés

  • Expressz: Szállítás 2024. október 3., Cs - 2024. október 18., P között


Elégedettségi garancia

Garanciát vállalunk minden vásárlásra

Elégedettségi garancia

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Mi itt vagyunk az Ön számára
Luxus női szett strasszos felirattal

Luxus női szett strasszos felirattal

7146 Ft14 292 Ft
Gyöngyök ékszerkészlete

Gyöngyök ékszerkészlete

4328 Ft7869 Ft
Luxus női nyaklánc + fülbevaló - Kék

Luxus női nyaklánc + fülbevaló - Kék

2512 Ft3925 Ft
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Ingyenes szállítás

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Ajándék minden vásárláshoz

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2902 Marina Plaza, Dubai Marina, Dubaj, Egyesült Arab Emírségek

Azonosító szám: 996224

Adószám: 100473893400003

Ügyfélszolgálat 6:00-tól 18:00-ig GST


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Ajándék minden vásárláshoz

Ingyenes szállítás

Ügyfél-elégedettségi garancia

Szállítási garancia

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Költségmentes csere

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5 a 5 csillagok

teljesen zseniális, úgy működik, ahogy kell


5 a 5 csillagok

Elvárom, hogy gyönyörű lesz. Ha egyszer virágba borul, tartsd észben, hogy ezek a hagymák óriásiak, valószínűleg a legnagyobb amarillisz hagymák, amiket valaha kaptam. De csodálatosak. Mindenképpen megéri a várakozást.


5 a 5 csillagok

még nem próbáltam, de ugyanaz a márka és ugyanaz a görbület, mint az előzőleg vásároltaknál, szóval rendben van. tökéletes.