Ink for microblading mapping Ink for eyebrow mapping 20 ml
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Ink for microblading mapping Ink for eyebrow mapping 20 ml
Brows pre-painting and mapping are essential steps before the microblading process itself. Ink for microblading mapping specially designed for these purposes, it offers 20 ml of high quality ink that allows tattoo artists to create an accurate and detailed brow plan before applying permanent pigments. This ink is an essential tool for achieving symmetrical and aesthetically attractive results, that meet each client's expectations.
Main characteristics:
- Highly pigmented: Provides clear and visible lines that help in precise orientation throughout the process.
- Long-lasting: Despite its temporaryity, it is durable enough to last all the time mapping and pre-painting.
- Easily Removed: After finishing the microblading, the ink can be easily removed, leaving a clean and professional result.
- Safe for skin: Formulated with regard to sensitive skin, minimises the risk of allergic reactions or irritation.
- Universal use: Ideal for all types of eyebrows and skin, provides flexibility for working with different clients.
- Volume: 20 ml
- Package contents: 1 pcs
Invest in eyebrow mapping ink is an investment in the quality and accuracy of your work. Using this ink not only increases the efficiency of the microblading process, but also gives artists confidence that each move is made with the highest possible accuracy.
S This product comes increased confidence in the process of eyebrows mapping, allowing artists to adapt to the individual features and needs of each client. The result is not only a satisfied client but also a work worth admiring.
Ink for microblading mapping thus represents a key element in the arsenal of every professional artist specializing in microblading, who strives to achieve perfect and accurate results in every step of the process.
Szállítás és kézbesítés
Expressz: Szállítás 2024. november 10., V - 2024. november 25., H között
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