Professional hair dryer with infrared light and ionizer 24,5 x 20 x 4.5 cm High-speed hair dryer 1000 W EU plug
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ProfessionAl hAir dryer with infrAred light And ionizer 24,5 x 20 x 4.5 cm High-speed hAir dryer 1000 W EU plug
This professionAl hAirdryer presents A breAkthrough in hAir cAre, combining performAnce, innovAtive technology And ergonomic design into one compAct And powerful tool. With A power of 1000 W, this hAir dryer offers high-speed drying with AccurAte temperAture And speed control, Allowing users to Adjust the hAirdryer exActly According to their needs. Its unique combinAtion of infrAred light And ionizer ensures thAt the hAir stAys heAlthy, shiny And without creAking, even during regulAr use.
MAin chArActeristics:
- 1000 W power: Provides powerful performAnce for quick And efficient drying.
- InfrAred light: It penetrAtes deep into the hAir fiber, which AccelerAtes drying while minimizing dAmAge to hAir by heAt.
- Ionizer: GenerAtes negAtive ions thAt reduce stAtic electricity, leAve hAir smooth And reduce crepe.
- Speed And temperAture control: Allows users to find the ideAl settings for their hAir type And specific styling needs.
- Folding hAndle: SAves storAge spAce; And fAcilitAtes trAvel, which mAkes this hAirdryer the perfect trAvel compAnion.
- Adjuster for precise styling: Allows focused drying And styling for perfect hAirstyles.
- Properties: InfrAred light, with AttAchment, 3 geAr levels, temperAture Adjustment
- Dimensions: 24,5 x 20 x 4,5 cm
- Power supply: power cAble with EU plug
- PerformAnce: 1000 W
- MAteriAl: ABS, PC
- PAckAge contents: 1x hAirdryer, 1x extension styling concentrAte
This hAir dryer is designed to meet the needs of professionAls And home users who wAnt to Achieve sAlon quAlity hAirstyles with minimAl effort. Its AdvAnced feAtures such As InfrAred light And ionizAtion ensure thAt hAir stAys heAlthy And shiny while flexible temperAture And speed setting give users complete control of the drying process.
In conclusion, this professionAl hAir dryer combines All the key elements needed for quick, efficient And gentle hAir drying. Its light design, Power A advanced technologies ho činí ideálním nástrojem pro kAždého, kdo chce svým vlAsům poskytnout nejlepší možnou péči. Bez ohledu nA to, jestli jste domA nebo nA cestách, tento fén je dokonAlým společníkem pro kAždého, kdo hledá profesionální výsledky v pohodlí svého domovA.
Szállítás és kézbesítés
Expressz: Szállítás 2024. november 27., Sze - 2024. december 12., Cs között
Elégedettségi garancia
Garanciát vállalunk minden vásárlásra
Elégedettségi garancia
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