Snoring stickers in the shape of letter O Adhesive tapes to prevent mouth breathing Snoring stickers For children and adults 10 pcs
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Snoring stickers in the shape of letter O Adhesive tapes to prevent mouth breathing Snoring stickers For children and adults 10 pcs
O-shaped snoring stickers are an innovative solution for all who want to improve the quality of their sleep and reduce snoring. These blue adhesive tapes are designed to prevent mouth breathing and promote proper nose breathing. They are suitable for both children and adults, which makes them a universal and practical helper in the fight against snoring. With a package containing 10 pieces, you have enough stickers for regular use. The stickers are comfortable for wearing and easy to apply, which ensures their effectiveness in everyday use..
Main characteristics:
- Nose breathing support: Labels prevent mouth breathing, which helps reduce snoring and promotes healthier nose breathing.
- Universal use: They're appropriate. for children and adults, which makes them the ideal solution for the whole family.
- Comfortable and Safe: Made from hypoallergenic material that is skin-friendly and minimizes the risk of irritation.
- Simple application and removal: The stickers are easy to apply and can be removed painlessly after waking without leaving traces on the skin.
- Properties: nalepovací, šetrné k pokožce, proti chrápání, for children and adults, pro kvalitní spánek, podporuje dýchání nosem
- Dimensions: 7.6 x 4 cm
- Material: PE
- Color: Blue, beige
- Package contents: 10 pcs
These snoring stickers are ideal for all who want to improve their sleep and reduce the problems associated with snoring. Regular use of these stickers can significantly improve the quality of sleep and promote healthier breathing through the nose. Thanks to hypoallergenic composition and comfortable design they are suitable for everyday use a jsou bezpečné for children and adults.
Investment in quality sleep is an investment in your overall health and well-being. These stickers are designed to provide maximum comfort and efficiency in everyday use.. Try this product and experience a calmer, better sleep, which will bring you more energy and well-being to your everyday life. O-shaped snoring stickers are a simple but effective solution, which will help you achieve better breathing and reduce snoring, which will positively affect your overall health.
Szállítás és kézbesítés
Expressz: Szállítás 2024. november 27., Sze - 2024. december 12., Cs között
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