Ajándék minden vásárláshoz
ÜGYFÉLSZOLGÁLAT: H - P a 6:00 - 18:00 GST
Szállítási garancia
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
1 / 18
Ingyenes szállítás
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g
Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g

Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g



6739 Ft9491 Ft -29%

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Ingyenes szállítás
Ügyfél-elégedettségi garancia
Ajándék minden vásárláshoz
Költségmentes csere

Biztonságos fizetés

Color wax for hair Shaping colored hairpaste Wax for hair coloring Temporal hair color 120 g

We present this latest innovation in hair styling - 120 g hair wax. This product is unique a combination of forming paste and color wax, providing flexible styling and temporary dyeing in one. It is ideal for those looking for a quick and easy way to experiment with hair color without a long-term commitment. This hair coloring wax is great for all occasions, from day to special evening events.

Main characteristics:

  • Temporary hair dye: It offers various colour shades for immediate change of appearance.
  • Shape effect: Allows easy shaping of hair and provides medium to strong fixation.
  • Easy to wash: Color easy to wash, which allows frequent style changes.
  • 120 g package: Sufficient quantity for several applications.
  • Gentle hair: Does not contain harmful chemicals, suitable for all hair types.
  • Properties: easy to wash, easy to apply, quick to dry, temporary hair color
  • Color: black, white, green, grey, blue, yellow, pink, purple, wine, red
  • Quantity: 120 g
  • Package contents: 1 pcs

This colored hair wax is designed for those looking for a creative and flexible solution for styling their hair. Temporary hair dye provides the opportunity to try different shades without long-term commitment and hair damage. Shape effect wax allows easy shaping and styling of hair while providing the desired fixation.

Thank you. Easy to wash you can wash the color while further washing your hair and easily change your style. 120 g package ensures that you have enough product for several uses. In addition, this wax is hair-friendly, does not contain harmful chemicals and is suitable for all hair types.

Try this color wax and discover new options in the hair styling world. Whether you want to revive your everyday appearance or shine on special events, this product is an ideal choice for anyone looking for an easy and safe way to experiment with the color of their hair.

Szállítás és kézbesítés

  • Expressz: Szállítás 2024. szeptember 15., V - 2024. szeptember 30., H között


Elégedettségi garancia

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Elégedettségi garancia

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Mi itt vagyunk az Ön számára
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Ingyenes szállítás

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2902 Marina Plaza, Dubai Marina, Dubaj, Egyesült Arab Emírségek

Azonosító szám: 996224

Adószám: 100473893400003

Ügyfélszolgálat 6:00-tól 18:00-ig GST


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Ajándék minden vásárláshoz

Ingyenes szállítás

Ügyfél-elégedettségi garancia

Szállítási garancia

Biztonságos fizetés

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Költségmentes csere

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nagyon puha és különösen rendezett, és mindössze néhány nap alatt megérkezett


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Szép & ragyogó szín 👍 A vihar maszkot az autóban a fejtámlára tettem, mint szemfogó 😁💖 Nagyszerűen néz ki és már messziről felismerhető 😉