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ÜGYFÉLSZOLGÁLAT: H - P a 6:00 - 18:00 GST
Szállítási garancia
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
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Ingyenes szállítás
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g
Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g

Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g



4827 Ft7098 Ft -32%

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Ingyenes szállítás
Ügyfél-elégedettségi garancia
Ajándék minden vásárláshoz
Költségmentes csere

Biztonságos fizetés

Keratin powder for hair Color powder for covering thinning hair Color powder for covering the growths and grays 25 g

Nowadays, when everyone is looking for a quick and effective solution for their daily beauty rituals, comes this Keratin colour powder for hair as a revolutionary product that offers an instant solution for covering thinning hair, growths and grays. This powder, packed in a practical 25g package, is ideal for both men and women who want to quickly and effectively improve the appearance of their hair without having to visit a hairdresser.

Main characteristics:

  • Instantaneous Coverage: This powder immediately covers thinning areas, grays and growths, provides a natural-looking result.
  • Contains keratine: Keratin strengthens hair while helping to keep the color in place, which increases the resistance to abrasion and water.
  • Long-lasting effect: The color remains on the hair all day long, resists sweat and is resistant to blur.
  • Easy application: Powder is Easy to apply and its use does not require any special skills or tools.
  • Natural appearance: Offers natural-looking coverage without feeling burdened or artificial.
  • Properties: Covering grey and rustic, coloured, thinning hair, keratin
  • Quantity: 25 g
  • Package contents: 1 pcs

Regular use this powder you can not only improve the visual aspect of your hair, but also enjoy the greater confidence that comes with a fuller and more uniform appearance of your forebrush.

Long-term benefits include not only aesthetic hair enhancement, but also Protection and strengthening hair fiber due to keratin content. This Keratin colour powder becomes a necessary helper for anyone looking for a quick solution to hide hair imperfections.

Invest in your look with this Keratin-colored powder for hair This product is ideal for hectic morning preparation or as a quick repair before an important meeting or evening trip. Resume Your Trust and enjoy the flawless appearance of your hair with minimal effort.

Szállítás és kézbesítés

  • Expressz: Szállítás 2024. szeptember 14., Szo - 2024. szeptember 29., V között


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Mi itt vagyunk az Ön számára
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2902 Marina Plaza, Dubai Marina, Dubaj, Egyesült Arab Emírségek

Azonosító szám: 996224

Adószám: 100473893400003

Ügyfélszolgálat 6:00-tól 18:00-ig GST


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A jelmez egyszerűen tökéletes! Egy 3XL-es méretet rendeltem a Férjemnek, és bőven van benne hely, kényelmes anélkül, hogy túl nagy lenne. Az anyaga csodálatos, és nagyon jól meg van csinálva.

Ni Na

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Várom, hogy anyukám kipróbálja ezeket karácsonyi ajándékként. Nagyszerű szín. Nagyszerű az anyag tapintása.


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