Ajándék minden vásárláshoz
ÜGYFÉLSZOLGÁLAT: H - P a 6:00 - 18:00 GST
Szállítási garancia
Reply of one dollar from the 19th century 3.8 cm Remembering dollar coin from the USA 1878, 1879 Silver plated metal coin from the United States of America
Reply of one dollar from the 19th century 3.8 cm Remembering dollar coin from the USA 1878, 1879 Silver plated metal coin from the United States of America
Reply of one dollar from the 19th century 3.8 cm Remembering dollar coin from the USA 1878, 1879 Silver plated metal coin from the United States of America
Reply of one dollar from the 19th century 3.8 cm Remembering dollar coin from the USA 1878, 1879 Silver plated metal coin from the United States of America
Reply of one dollar from the 19th century 3.8 cm Remembering dollar coin from the USA 1878, 1879 Silver plated metal coin from the United States of America
Reply of one dollar from the 19th century 3.8 cm Remembering dollar coin from the USA 1878, 1879 Silver plated metal coin from the United States of America
Reply of one dollar from the 19th century 3.8 cm Remembering dollar coin from the USA 1878, 1879 Silver plated metal coin from the United States of America
Reply of one dollar from the 19th century 3.8 cm Remembering dollar coin from the USA 1878, 1879 Silver plated metal coin from the United States of America
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Ingyenes szállítás
Reply of one dollar from the 19th century 3.8 cm Remembering dollar coin from the USA 1878, 1879 Silver plated metal coin from the United States of America
Reply of one dollar from the 19th century 3.8 cm Remembering dollar coin from the USA 1878, 1879 Silver plated metal coin from the United States of America
Reply of one dollar from the 19th century 3.8 cm Remembering dollar coin from the USA 1878, 1879 Silver plated metal coin from the United States of America
Reply of one dollar from the 19th century 3.8 cm Remembering dollar coin from the USA 1878, 1879 Silver plated metal coin from the United States of America
Reply of one dollar from the 19th century 3.8 cm Remembering dollar coin from the USA 1878, 1879 Silver plated metal coin from the United States of America
Reply of one dollar from the 19th century 3.8 cm Remembering dollar coin from the USA 1878, 1879 Silver plated metal coin from the United States of America
Reply of one dollar from the 19th century 3.8 cm Remembering dollar coin from the USA 1878, 1879 Silver plated metal coin from the United States of America
Reply of one dollar from the 19th century 3.8 cm Remembering dollar coin from the USA 1878, 1879 Silver plated metal coin from the United States of America

Reply of one dollar from the 19th century 3.8 cm Remembering dollar coin from the USA 1878, 1879 Silver plated metal coin from the United States of America



2790 Ft4227 Ft -34%

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Ingyenes szállítás
Ügyfél-elégedettségi garancia
Ajándék minden vásárláshoz
Költségmentes csere

Biztonságos fizetés

Reply of one dollar from the 19th century 3.8 cm Remembering dollar coin from the USA 1878, 1879 Silver plated metal coin from the United States of America

This replica of one dollar from the 19th century is a precisely produced commemorative coin that celebrates one of the most iconic moments of American numismatic history. The diameter of 3.8 cm of this coin is ideal for displaying rich details that correspond to original coins from 1878 and 1879. Silver plated finish not only increases its aesthetic value but also underscores the historical importance of these coins. This replica is an invaluable addition to the collection of any numismatics or lover of American history.

Main characteristics:

  • Silver plated surface supplies the coin authentic appearance and enhances its visual appeal.
  • Detailed reproduction characters from 1878 and 1879 indicate the high level of handicraft processing and the accuracy with which the coins were made.
  • Historical and collectible value this coin reminds of a significant period in American coin history, when these coins were first put into circulation.
  • Ideal size 3.8 cm allows easy exposure and handling, making this replica significant and attractive collector's item.
  • Educational instrument for studying the history of the United States and developing American currency, suitable for schools, historians and numismatics.
  • Properties: silver plated, vintage, dollar coin, replica, commemorative, collector, from USA
  • Dimensions: 3,8 cm
  • Material: Brass
  • Package contents: 1 pcs

This replica of the dollar coin is exceptional not only for its artistic and historical significance, but also as a reminder of technological progress and the 19th century art championship. Silver plated surface a precizní detaily This coin serves as a bridge between the past and the present, offering a unique opportunity to deepen the understanding of American history and expand the numismatics collection by another valuable object. Ownership of this coin is not just a matter of aesthetic appreciation; it is also a way to preserve a piece of history and hand it over to future generations as evidence of craft skills and historical heritage that shaped the United States of America.



Szállítás és kézbesítés

  • Expressz: Szállítás 2024. szeptember 6., P - 2024. szeptember 21., Szo között


Elégedettségi garancia

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Elégedettségi garancia

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Könyv emlékérmék gyűjtéséhez

Könyv emlékérmék gyűjtéséhez

3775 Ft7401 Ft
Érmekapszula 10 k tartóval

Érmekapszula 10 k tartóval

6090 Ft9369 Ft

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2902 Marina Plaza, Dubai Marina, Dubaj, Egyesült Arab Emírségek

Azonosító szám: 996224

Adószám: 100473893400003

Ügyfélszolgálat 6:00-tól 18:00-ig GST


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Ajándék minden vásárláshoz

Ingyenes szállítás

Ügyfél-elégedettségi garancia

Szállítási garancia

Biztonságos fizetés

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Költségmentes csere

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Fejpánt szuper. Elég széles ahhoz, hogy lefedje a füleket és a környezetet. Max. elégedettség.


5 a 5 csillagok

még nem próbáltam, de ugyanaz a márka és ugyanaz a görbület, mint az előzőleg vásároltaknál, szóval rendben van. tökéletes.