Ajándék minden vásárláshoz
ÜGYFÉLSZOLGÁLAT: H - P a 6:00 - 18:00 GST
Szállítási garancia
Aztec gold coin Collector coin with Mayan calendar theme Memorial Mexican coin with pyramid 4 cm
Aztec gold coin Collector coin with Mayan calendar theme Memorial Mexican coin with pyramid 4 cm
Aztec gold coin Collector coin with Mayan calendar theme Memorial Mexican coin with pyramid 4 cm
Aztec gold coin Collector coin with Mayan calendar theme Memorial Mexican coin with pyramid 4 cm
Aztec gold coin Collector coin with Mayan calendar theme Memorial Mexican coin with pyramid 4 cm
Aztec gold coin Collector coin with Mayan calendar theme Memorial Mexican coin with pyramid 4 cm
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Ingyenes szállítás
Aztec gold coin Collector coin with Mayan calendar theme Memorial Mexican coin with pyramid 4 cm
Aztec gold coin Collector coin with Mayan calendar theme Memorial Mexican coin with pyramid 4 cm
Aztec gold coin Collector coin with Mayan calendar theme Memorial Mexican coin with pyramid 4 cm
Aztec gold coin Collector coin with Mayan calendar theme Memorial Mexican coin with pyramid 4 cm
Aztec gold coin Collector coin with Mayan calendar theme Memorial Mexican coin with pyramid 4 cm
Aztec gold coin Collector coin with Mayan calendar theme Memorial Mexican coin with pyramid 4 cm

Aztec gold coin Collector coin with Mayan calendar theme Memorial Mexican coin with pyramid 4 cm



3065 Ft4643 Ft -34%

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Ingyenes szállítás
Ügyfél-elégedettségi garancia
Ajándék minden vásárláshoz
Költségmentes csere

Biztonságos fizetés

Aztec gold coin Collector coin with Mayan calendar theme Memorial Mexican coin with pyramid 4 cm

This unique gold-plated collector's coin is an exceptional artifact that combines the history, art and heritage of ancient Meso-American civilizations. combination of Mayan calendar and pyramid themes, which are essential symbols for understanding the lifestyle, science, and architectural skills of ancient Mayans and Aztecs. Created to celebrate and preserve the memory of these important cultures, this coin is a reminder of their immeasurable contribution to today's society.

Main characteristics:

  • Gold-plated surface The coin gives it an exclusive appearance that not only attracts the view, but also increases its collectible value. Goldning gives a coin a hint of luxury and elegance, while highlighting every detail of the depiction on its surface.
  • Theme of the Mayan Calendar on one side of the coin is a perfect representation of the artistic championship and intellectual skills of the Maya. The calendar, known for its complexity and precision, is recognized as one of the most advanced calendar systems ever created.
  • Pyramid of the other side of the coin symbolizes architectural achievements and the lasting legacy of ancient Aztecs and Mayas. These monumental buildings not only stand as testimony to engineering skills, but also as spiritual and ceremonial centres that played a key role in religious and social life.
  • Diameter 4 cm Coin is ideal for detailed display of both themes and at the same time allows easy handling and exposure. This size ensures that the coin will excellent and significant addition to any collection.
  • Educational value This coin is undeniable. It offers a unique opportunity to study and admire ancient civilizations, their art, science and philosophy. It is the gateway to discovering lost worlds and to celebrate their lasting legacy..
  • Properties: metal, Aztec, plating, collector's, corn, Mayan calendar
  • Dimensions: 4 cm
  • Material: Metal
  • Package contents: 1 pcs

This collector's coin is not only a fascinating collector's item but also a memento, which bears a deep historical and cultural message. Celebrates the Genius of Ancient Civilizations and reminds us how deeply their traditions and knowledge are involved in the foundations of modern society. For collectors, historians, students and all who are interested in ancient history, this coin represents a valuable addition to their collections and educational resources

Owning this coin is not just having a piece of history in the collection, it is a connection with the past in a tangible way and a tribute to the incredible achievements of civilizations that have laid the foundations of many aspects of our present world. It is an honor to the lasting spirit of human curiosity, innovation and artistic expression.



Szállítás és kézbesítés

  • Expressz: Szállítás 2024. szeptember 6., P - 2024. szeptember 21., Szo között


Elégedettségi garancia

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Elégedettségi garancia

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Könyv emlékérmék gyűjtéséhez

3775 Ft7401 Ft
Érmekapszula 10 k tartóval

Érmekapszula 10 k tartóval

6090 Ft9369 Ft

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2902 Marina Plaza, Dubai Marina, Dubaj, Egyesült Arab Emírségek

Azonosító szám: 996224

Adószám: 100473893400003

Ügyfélszolgálat 6:00-tól 18:00-ig GST


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Ajándék minden vásárláshoz

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Szállítási garancia

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Költségmentes csere

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Imádom, tökéletes a télre, 2 színt vettem és a fejem olyan meleg!


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szuper minőségű 👍🏻 felfújja (golyós pumpa) készen áll. a kutya boldog 👌


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Szép & ragyogó szín 👍 A vihar maszkot az autóban a fejtámlára tettem, mint szemfogó 😁💖 Nagyszerűen néz ki és már messziről felismerhető 😉