Ajándék minden vásárláshoz
ÜGYFÉLSZOLGÁLAT: H - P a 6:00 - 18:00 GST
Szállítási garancia
Kit for flea removal and tick removal for dogs and cats Tick removal tool and flea removal aids for tick removal 2 pcs
Kit for flea removal and tick removal for dogs and cats Tick removal tool and flea removal aids for tick removal 2 pcs
Kit for flea removal and tick removal for dogs and cats Tick removal tool and flea removal aids for tick removal 2 pcs
Kit for flea removal and tick removal for dogs and cats Tick removal tool and flea removal aids for tick removal 2 pcs
Kit for flea removal and tick removal for dogs and cats Tick removal tool and flea removal aids for tick removal 2 pcs
Kit for flea removal and tick removal for dogs and cats Tick removal tool and flea removal aids for tick removal 2 pcs
Kit for flea removal and tick removal for dogs and cats Tick removal tool and flea removal aids for tick removal 2 pcs
Kit for flea removal and tick removal for dogs and cats Tick removal tool and flea removal aids for tick removal 2 pcs
Kit for flea removal and tick removal for dogs and cats Tick removal tool and flea removal aids for tick removal 2 pcs
1 / 9
Ingyenes szállítás
Kit for flea removal and tick removal for dogs and cats Tick removal tool and flea removal aids for tick removal 2 pcs
Kit for flea removal and tick removal for dogs and cats Tick removal tool and flea removal aids for tick removal 2 pcs
Kit for flea removal and tick removal for dogs and cats Tick removal tool and flea removal aids for tick removal 2 pcs
Kit for flea removal and tick removal for dogs and cats Tick removal tool and flea removal aids for tick removal 2 pcs
Kit for flea removal and tick removal for dogs and cats Tick removal tool and flea removal aids for tick removal 2 pcs
Kit for flea removal and tick removal for dogs and cats Tick removal tool and flea removal aids for tick removal 2 pcs
Kit for flea removal and tick removal for dogs and cats Tick removal tool and flea removal aids for tick removal 2 pcs
Kit for flea removal and tick removal for dogs and cats Tick removal tool and flea removal aids for tick removal 2 pcs
Kit for flea removal and tick removal for dogs and cats Tick removal tool and flea removal aids for tick removal 2 pcs

Kit for flea removal and tick removal for dogs and cats Tick removal tool and flea removal aids for tick removal 2 pcs



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Ingyenes szállítás
Ügyfél-elégedettségi garancia
Ajándék minden vásárláshoz
Költségmentes csere

Biztonságos fizetés

Kit for flea removal and tick removal for dogs and cats Tick removal tool and flea removal aids for tick removal 2 pcs

Discover a set of tick removal tools and fleas designed for the maximum comfort and safety of your pets. This kit includes three aids that allow quick and effective removal of parasites from the skin of your dogs and cats. Thanks to ergonomic design and quality materials, the use of these tools is easy and safe, ensuring that your pet is protected from harmful parasites..

Main characteristics:

  • Safe removal: Special tool design allows safe removal of parasites without risk of tearing or damage to your pet's skin.
  • Ergonomic design: Comfortable handles ensure easy and accurate use, which minimizes stress for both you and your pet.
  • Quality materials: The tools are made of durable and easy to wash materials that ensure long life and hygienic use.
  • Compact and portable: Thanks to compact dimensions, the set is easy to store and ideal for use at home and on the road.
  • Material: plastic
  • Package contents: 2 pcs

Tato sada nástrojů na odstraňování klíšťat a blech je nezbytnou pomůckou pro každého majitele psa nebo kočky, který chce zajistit svému mazlíčkovi ochranu před parazity. Nástroje umožňují rychlé a efektivní odstranění klíšťat a blech, což přispívá k celkovému zdraví a pohodě vašeho mazlíčka. Ergonomic design a kvalitní materiály zaručují snadné použití a dlouhou životnost, což činí tuto sadu ideálním pomocníkem pro každodenní péči o vaše mazlíčky.

Investment in this set of tick removal tools and fleas brings many benefits that ensure that your pet will always be protected from harmful parasites. Regular use of these tools contributes to maintaining healthy and clean skin, which contributes to the overall well-being and health of your pet. With this set you will always have the right tools for quick and safe removal of parasites, ensuring that your pet will always look and feel great.

Szállítás és kézbesítés

  • Expressz: Szállítás 2024. szeptember 6., P - 2024. szeptember 21., Szo között


Elégedettségi garancia

Garanciát vállalunk minden vásárlásra

Elégedettségi garancia

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2902 Marina Plaza, Dubai Marina, Dubaj, Egyesült Arab Emírségek

Azonosító szám: 996224

Adószám: 100473893400003

Ügyfélszolgálat 6:00-tól 18:00-ig GST


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Ajándék minden vásárláshoz

Ingyenes szállítás

Ügyfél-elégedettségi garancia

Szállítási garancia

Biztonságos fizetés

Vásárolj bizalommal

Költségmentes csere

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Tetszenek. Remélem, kint tartják a havat és a hideget. Valóban megfelel a méretnek, 39-es EU méretet rendeltem, mert télen vastagabb zoknit hordok, és tökéletes ;)