Paper for transfer of tattoo motifs Stencil paper for printing tattoo paper A4 to thermal printer 10 pcs
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Paper for transfer of tattoo motifs Stencil paper for printing tattoo paper A4 to thermal printer 10 pcs
Accuracy of skin design transfer is the cornerstone of a successful tattoo. Paper for the transfer of tattoo motifs specially designed for this purpose, providing tattoo artists with: reliable way to ensure that every detail of the design will be accurately reproduced on the client's skin. The package contains 10 sheets of paper stencil that are compatible with thermal printers, allowing fast and effective preparation of stencils for tattooing.
Main characteristics:
- High quality of transmission: Offers sharp and clean lines to ensure accurate transfer of your design.
- Compatibility with thermal printers: Allows easy and fast creation of the cencil without the need for manual copying.
- Easy to use: The paper is designed for simple use, allows quick creation and application of the skin cencil.
- Hygienic and safe: Disposable use ensures that each tattoo begins with a clean and hygienic cencil.
- Versatility: The paper is suitable for various styles of tattoos, from fine details to extensive works of art.
- Dimensions: 29 x 21 cm
- Package contents: 10 pcs
Invest in paper for the transmission of tattoo motifs is the key to ensuring that each tattoo begins correctly, with a precise and clean design that the artist can trust to apply. Using this paper not only increases the efficiency and reduces the time needed for preparation, but also improves the overall quality and results of tattooing.
S with this paper ctencil The artist acquires not only an important tool for accurate work, but also a peace of mind, science that each transmission will be as good as possible. It is an essential element for anyone who seeks to achieve consistent and quality results in his tattoo practice.
Thermoprinter paper represents the necessary supplement for every professional tattoo studio that wants to provide the best possible service to its clients. Its use of tattoo process becomes smoother, faster and more accurate, leading to higher satisfaction of clients and greater artistic success.
Szállítás és kézbesítés
Expressz: Szállítás 2024. november 27., Sze - 2024. december 12., Cs között
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