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Silicone bowl with suction cup and spoon for children
Silicone bowl with suction cup and spoon for children
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Ingyenes szállítás
Silicone bowl with suction cup and spoon for children
Silicone bowl with suction cup and spoon for children

Silicone bowl with suction cup and spoon for children



13 580 Ft19 970 Ft -32%

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Biztonságos fizetés

Silicone bowl with suction cup and spoon for children

If you are a parent of small children, you know how feeding can sometimes be a challenge. Children are curious, discovering new tastes and textures, but they also like to try new ways to play with food. Silicone bowl with suction cup and spoon is an innovative product that facilitates feeding your smallest and also brings joy to the daily menus. This silicone bowl with suction cup and spoon is suitable for children aged 13 to 24 months. It is ideal for moving from feeding spoon to feeding separately. Your child learns to eat alone and explore different flavors and textures of food without having to fight unstable bowls..

Main characteristics:

  • Safe and quality material: This bowl is made of high-quality and safe silicone material which is certified as without BPA, phthalates and other harmful substances. Silicone is heat-resistant from -40 °C to 220 °C, which means that you can use this bowl for your child without fear of safety. In addition, the bowl is soft to the touch, which means that the child does not have to worry about injury or burning if it touches it..
  • Sucker for easier feeding: The unique feature of this dish is the suction cup on the bottom side. The suction cup allows you to grab the bowl to the table surface or other smooth surface. This means that the bowl will not roll over or slide, which can be very useful if your child tries to eat itself. The suction cup is strong enough to keep the bowl in place, but at the same time it is easy to remove when you want to clean or use the bowl without it..
  • Spoon in the contents of the pack: The bowl kit also includes a spoon made of the same safe silicone material. The spoon has a suitable size for a small baby mouth and is designed to be easy to grasp for a child's hand. With this spoon, you can offer the child food simply and without problems..
  • Heat resistance: Suitable for -40 °C to 220 °C
  • Suitable for::  13-24 months of age
  • Dimensions of the bowl: 12 × 6 cm
  • Dimensions of spoon: 1,4 x 3,4 cm
  • Material: silicone, wood
  • Package contents: 1x bowl, 1x spoon
  • Conclusion: This silicone bowl with suction cup and spoon is a great addition for parents who want to make feeding their children easier and safer. Invest in a quality and safe product for your child and make food an experience for the whole family. Order it today!

Szállítás és kézbesítés

  • Expressz: Szállítás 2024. október 4., P - 2024. október 19., Szo között


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2902 Marina Plaza, Dubai Marina, Dubaj, Egyesült Arab Emírségek

Azonosító szám: 996224

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Ügyfélszolgálat 6:00-tól 18:00-ig GST


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Tetszenek. Remélem, kint tartják a havat és a hideget. Valóban megfelel a méretnek, 39-es EU méretet rendeltem, mert télen vastagabb zoknit hordok, és tökéletes ;)


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