Silicone Finger support Blue Fitness Finger support Finger strengthening tool Power 5 Kg
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Silicone Finger support Blue Fitness Finger support Finger strengthening tool Power 5 Kg
In a world where our hands are constantly on the move, whether when working with technology, sport, or everyday activities, it is essential to maintain their strength and flexibility. Silicone Finger support offers a simple but effective solution for anyone who wants to improve functionality and stamina of your fingers. This tool is designed to strengthen the muscles of fingers and wrists, which is crucial for preventing fatigue and injury.
Main characteristics:
- Silicone material ensures comfortable grip and wear resistance.
- Resistance 5 Kg provides a sufficient challenge for both beginners and advanced users.
- Compact design allows easy portability, so you can always have a booster with you.
- Universal use for athletes, musicians, IT professionals and all who want to improve the strength and skill of their fingers.
- Safe for all ages, suitable also as a rehabilitation tool.
- Strength: 5 kg
- Dimensions: 7,5 x 4 cm
- Material: silicone
- Package contents: 1 pcs
Používání tohoto siliconeového posilovače přináší řadu benefits, including improved grip, increased pain resistance associated with repeated stress and support for faster regeneration after injury. Moreover, due to its adaptability, the challenges can be gradually increased, allowing continuous development and improvement..
His simple, But effective use makes it an ideal choice for those looking for an easy way to improve their physical condition without the need for a complex or time-consuming device. Whether you are an athlete, musician or just someone who wants to keep their hands in the best possible condition, this booster is the right choice for you.
Silicone Finger support představuje efektivní způsob, jak posílit svaly v rukou a zlepšit celkovou zručnost. His jednoduchost, efektivita a univerzálnost z něj dělají nezbytný nástroj pro každého, kdo chce zlepšit svou fyzickou připravenost a zabránit možným problémům souvisejícím s nedostatečnou silou v prstech a zápěstí. S resistance 5 Kg is a sufficient challenge for the development of strength while being sufficiently gentle for beginners or as a tool for rehabilitation.
Szállítás és kézbesítés
Expressz: Szállítás 2024. november 9., Szo - 2024. november 24., V között
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