Quality permanent tattoo ink Black ink for tattoo Tattoo color for permanent tattoo Professional black color for tattoo 90 ml
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Quality permanent tattoo ink Black ink for tattoo Tattoo color for permanent tattoo Professional black color for tattoo 90 ml
Creating a perfect tattoo begins with choosing the right ink. This professional black ink for permanent tattooing is formulated to provide intense and rich black color that remains sharp and bright for many years. In a 90 ml package we offer ink that is ideal for artists looking for reliability and quality, which is essential for creating both simple and complex tattoos.
Main characteristics:
- Intense black color: Offers deep and deep black, which guarantees distinctive and durable tattoos.
- High pigmentation: Provides excellent coverage and allows sharp lines even in detailed designs.
- Long-lasting results: Formulated for fade resistance, ensure that the tattoo stays alive in time.
- Safe and reliable: Produced with respect to skin safety, minimises the risk of allergic reactions.
- Easy application: The ink is consistent and allows smooth application for all tattoo styles.
- Properties: permanent, rich colours, professional, quality, gentle, non-toxic, non-irritating, pale
- Quantity: 90 ml
- Package contents: 1 pcs
In the menu is this ink not only by the embodiment of professional quality, but also guarantee that your works of art will remain in their best form in the long term. Its high quality formulation is the result of careful development and testing, making it an ideal choice for tattoo studios and independent artists who want the best for their clients.
Using this ink means you can always expect uncompromising quality and long-lasting results, which is necessary to satisfy today's demanding clients. Whether it's fine lines, full areas of black or detailed shading, this ink will provide you with all the tools needed to realize your vision.
In conclusion, this professional black tattoo ink je nezbytným nástrojem pro každého, kdo chce vytvářet trvalé, výrazné a kvalitní tetování. Offers kombinaci sytosti, dlouhotrvajícího efektu a bezpečnosti, která je v dnešním světě tetování absolutně klíčová. Přesvědčte se sami o jeho kvalitě a přidejte ho do svého profesionálního portfolia, aby vaše tetování mohla vyniknout opravdu jedinečným způsobem.
Szállítás és kézbesítés
Expressz: Szállítás 2024. november 27., Sze - 2024. december 12., Cs között
Elégedettségi garancia
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Elégedettségi garancia
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