Interactive toy salmon for dogs and cats
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Interactive toy salmon for dogs and cats
In these hurried times, pets deserve proper attention and entertainment to keep them active and happy.. Interactive toy salmon for dogs and cats je inovativním řešením, které nabízí nejen zábavu, ale také stimulaci a cvičení pro vaše mazlíčky. This intelligent toy is designed to meet the natural instincts and needs of your dog or cat, all with a light dose of fun. Invest in the fun and well-being of your pets with this innovative toy. Your dogs and cats will be grateful for bringing them such fun into their lives.. The toy moves and looks like it's alive.!
Main characteristics:
- Realistic design: The salmon toy has a realistic look, which makes it a fascinating object for your pets. It is made of quality materials that are resistant to digging and biting, while safe for your animal friends. Its design mimics fish with details that attract the attention of your pets and triggers their curiosity..
- Interactive Playing: This toy salmon is not just an ordinary stuffed toy. It is equipped with sensors and motion mechanisms that allow it to react to movement and touch. As soon as your animal starts to dig, scratch or push it, the toy begins to move its tail and simulate real fish movement. This interactivity stimulates the curiosity and playfulness of your pets, which is the way they can spend hours of fun..
- Stimulation of your pet: An interactive toy fish supports both the physical and mental activity of your pets. While playing, it must use its paws and jaws, which stimulates muscles and keeps them fit.
- Fun for dogs and cats: An interactive toy is suitable for both dogs and cats. It is a great way for dogs to take out energy and tame their playfulness. Cats can catch it, scratch and chase it, which is ideal for maintaining their active lifestyle. Regardless of whether you have a dog or a cat at home, this toy is a fun add-on for each of them..
- Power supply: Rechargeable batteries
- Dimensions: 27 x 11 cm
- Material: Cotton, stuffed
- Package contents: 1x toy, 1x USB cable to recharge
- Conclusion: Interactive toy salmon for dogs and cats je skvělým způsobem, jak přinést do života vašich mazlíčků radost, aktivitu a zábavu. Její realistický design, interaktivní pohyb a stimulace fyzické a mentální aktivity ji dělají výjimečným doplňkem pro každý domov s domácím mazlíčkem.
Szállítás és kézbesítés
Expressz: Szállítás 2024. november 27., Sze - 2024. december 12., Cs között
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