Tactical tourniquet Tactical tourniquet for single-hand application Strap Strap Plastic tourniquet
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Tactical tourniquet Tactical tourniquet for single-hand application Strap Strap Plastic tourniquet
In situations where every second can mean the difference between life and death, a reliable tactical tourniquet is necessary at hand. This tourniquet is designed for: maximum efficiency and easy application with one hand, which makes it an invaluable first aid tool in critical situations. Its compact dimensions of 12 x 6 cm will ensure that the tourniquet will never interfere while its plastic twister provides fast and safe tightening that can save lives.
Main characteristics:
- Easy single-handed application: Allows fast and efficient use even in the most difficult situations.
- Plastic twister for fixed tightening: Ensures a reliable stop to bleeding without movement.
- Strap for fixed attachment: Allows adjustment of pressure for optimal bleeding control.
- Compact and light design: Allows easy carrying and storage without unnecessary load.
- Package contents: 1 pcs
Tactical tourniquet with belt cover is designed to be easy to use and fast to use the moment it's most needed. intuitive design and reliable features provide key support in first aid, especially in situations where time is a critical factor. Using this tourniquet may mean a difference between successful and unsuccessful stabilization of the patient before the arrival of medical personnel. Its lightness and compactness mean there's no reason to leave him behind, whether you're on a field trip or just in town. This tourniquet is an ideal choice for everyone, from professional paramedics to ordinary citizens who want to be prepared for unexpected situations. His presence in your equipment can one day save life.
Szállítás és kézbesítés
Expressz: Szállítás 2024. november 26., K - 2024. december 11., Sze között
Elégedettségi garancia
Garanciát vállalunk minden vásárlásra
Elégedettségi garancia
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