Professional semi-permanent tattoo ink Color ink for temporary tattoos Quality tattoo colors for temporary tattoos Color for tattoos 30 ml
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Professional semi-permanent tattoo ink Color ink for temporary tattoos Quality tattoo colors for temporary tattoos Color for tattoos 30 ml
Currently, when temporary tattoos become more and more popular way to express their personality or try new design before you decide on a permanent variant, comes to the market this row professional semi-permanent tattoo inks. These colours are specially formulated to provide distinctive and long-lasting colors that will never disappoint you. With a 30 ml package, you have enough ink to realize a series of temporary tattoos without constantly buying new supplies..
Main characteristics:
- Vibrant and long-lasting colours: Ink formulation ensures that your tattoo stays clear and distinctive for a longer period of time.
- Safe for skin: The ink is made with respect to safety and compatibility with the skin, minimizes the risk of allergic reactions.
- Easy to use: The ink can be easily applied and is suitable for various tattoo techniques.
- Fast-drying formulation: Makes the tattoo dry quickly, making reduces the risk of blur.
- Economic package 30 ml: Provides excellent value and long stamina for artists and hobby tattoos.
- Properties: semi-permanent, distinctive, professional, quality, gentle
- Quantity: 30 ml
- Package contents: 1 pcs
These inks are perfect choice for tattoo artists and tattoo artists, who want to provide their clients with the best possible experience, whether it's a temporary application for a party, festival or as design testing before a permanent tattoo. Thanks to a wide range of colors you can let your creativity flow freely and create amazing designs that last weeks without losing quality.
These semi-permanent tattoo colors They move the boundaries possible in temporary tattoos. It offers an unprecedented combination of liveliness, long-lasting effect and skin safety. Try them and you will see that your temporary tattoos can be as impressive as permanent but with flexibility changes or removal whenever you decide to change. This is an innovation in tattoos that allows everyone to show their uniqueness without a long-term commitment..
Szállítás és kézbesítés
Expressz: Szállítás 2024. november 27., Sze - 2024. december 12., Cs között
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