Net to window against insect with Velcro 120 x 120 cm Adjustable net to window Window net against mosquitoes
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Biztonságos fizetés
Net to window AgAinst insect with Velcro 120 x 120 cm AdjustAble net to window Window net AgAinst mosquitoes
The AdjustAble net in the Velcro window is An innovAtive solution thAt Allows households to protect themselves AgAinst mosquitoes And other species of flying insects without sAcrificing nAturAl ventilAtion And light.. This type of network is designed to provide eAsy instAllAtion And flexibility, mAking it suitAble for different types of windows. The network mAteriAl is durAble And At the sAme time fine enough not to interfere with the Air or Air flow, which mAkes it An ideAl choice for eAch household..
MAin chArActeristics:
- Size Adjustment: It is eAsy to Adjust to different window dimensions.
- Dry Zipper InstAllAtion: Allows quick And eAsy instAllAtion without the need for tools.
- Effective insect protection: ReliAbly hinders the entry of mosquitoes And other flying insects.
- High trAnsmittAnce for light And Air: Keeps the rooms bright And well ventilAted.
- ResistAnce to weAther conditions: The mAteriAl is mAde to withstAnd sunlight And rAin.
- Dimensions: 120 x 120 cm
- PAckAge contents: 1x network
ThAnks to these feAtures, the net in the Velcro window offers prActicAl And long-term solutions for eAch household. EAsy instAllAtion And possibility rApid removAl meAns thAt you cAn use the network seAsonAlly or yeAr-round, As needed.
Using this network into the window you will get not only insect protection but Also increAsed comfort of home thAnks to mAintAining fresh Air without unwAnted visitors. High trAnsmittAnce for light And Air A Weather resistance je tAto síť nejen funkční, Ale tAké esteticky nenápAdná, což zAjišťuje, že bude sloužit svému účelu A zároveň se bude dobře vyjímAt ve vAšem domově.
Szállítás és kézbesítés
Expressz: Szállítás 2024. november 30., Szo - 2024. december 15., V között
Elégedettségi garancia
Garanciát vállalunk minden vásárlásra
Elégedettségi garancia
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