Wireless outdoor bell with HD camera Wi-Fi Video bell Door phone Home door video telephone Outdoor intercom Visual bell House bell with camera and two-way communication
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Wireless outdoor bell with HD camera Wi-Fi Video bell Door phone Home door video telephone Outdoor intercom Visual bell House bell with camera and two-way communication
This wireless outdoor bell with HD camera and Wi-Fi connection is an innovative solution to increase the safety and comfort of your home. Thanks to the combination of video bell, door phone and outdoor intercom, this product brings exceptional features for anyone who wants to have a better overview of who is coming to their door. When the visitor press the bell, the camera automatically captures the image and saves the recording into the cloud, at the same time sends the announcement to your phone, allowing you to start a video call directly from the mobile device.
Main characteristics:
- HD Camera: Provides clear and detailed images of visitors outside your door.
- Wi-Fi connection: Allows wireless connection to smart devices for convenient monitoring and control.
- Cloud Record: Logs are automatically stored in the cloud for later access and security.
- Battery life 365 Days: Long battery life ensures minimal maintenance.
- Phone Notifications: Instant alert to your phone when the bell is activated.
- Videocall: Possibility to start a video conversation with a visitor directly from your phone.
- Properties: two-way communication, wide-angle sensing, automatic switching of day and night mode
- Connection: Wi-Fi, bluetooth
- Camera resolution: 640 x 480 px
- Power supply: Built-in lithium-ion high capacity battery
- Battery power: DC 5V
- Battery life: 1 year
- Minimum temperature: - 10°C
- Maximum temperature: 45°C
- Dimensions of the bell: 8.51 x 5.36 x 2.55 cm
- Dimensions of the internal sound unit: 6,35 x 4,32 x 1,6 cm
- Color: White, black
- Package contents: 1x bell with camera 1x internal sound unit 1x manual
This outdoor bell is an ideal choice for those who want to keep track of the events in front of their doors, Whether you're home or on the road. Its advanced technology and easy to use makes this device a reliable guardian of your home.
In conclusion, this HD Wi-Fi video bell is much more than just an ordinary bell. It brings a high level of safety, comfort and technological advances that allows homeowners to have better control and peace thanks to advanced functions such as long battery life, cloud recording, and the possibility of video calls via mobile phone. This product is not only a practical but also an innovative solution for anyone looking for a modern way of security and monitoring their home.
Szállítás és kézbesítés
Expressz: Szállítás 2024. november 27., Sze - 2024. december 12., Cs között
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Elégedettségi garancia
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