Ozone air cleaner Ozone generator 220 - 240 V 48 g
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Ozone air cleaner Ozone generator 220 - 240 V 48 g
The 48 g Ozone Air Cleaner 220 - 240 V is a revolutionary device for improving the quality of air in your house. This modern air cleaner uses ozone technology to remove impurities, bacteria, viruses and unpleasant smells from the air. With 220 - 240 V power supply is suitable for households, offices, and other areas where you want to have clean and healthy air for you and your loved ones..
Main characteristics:
- Ozone technology: This air cleaner uses ozone technology to effectively disinfect the air. Ozone, which produces, reacts with impurities and microorganisms, thereby neutralizing and removing them..
- High performance: With a power of 48 g, this air cleaner is able to effectively clean air in larger areas and remove harmful substances that can affect your health.
- Easy to use: The operator of this device is simple and intuitive. Just turn it on, set the desired mode and let it work.
- Compact design: This cleaner has compact dimensions, which means it fits into different spaces and doesn't take too much space..
- Health protection: Clean air is key to your health and well-being. This ozone cleaner will help you create a healthier environment..
- Voltage: 220 - 240 V
- Ozone production: 48 g
- Cable length: 128 cm
- Dimensions: 20,5 x 14 cm
- Package contents: 1 pcs
With an ozone air cleaner 220 - 240 V, 48 g you can reach clean and healthy air in your house. Let it work for your health and well-being and experience fresh and clean air every day.
Szállítás és kézbesítés
Expressz: Szállítás 2024. november 27., Sze - 2024. december 12., Cs között
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Elégedettségi garancia
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