Lace animal mask with pebbles
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Lace animal mask with pebbles
The landscaped animal mask with decorative stones is a great addition to various costume parties. These masks are created with an emphasis on details and authenticity, making them an ideal choice for costume parties and costume events. The mask is the right complement for every masquerade event where you can become an elegant animal being for a moment while staying in mystery.
Main characteristics:
- Comfort and Quality: When making animal lace masks, the emphasis is placed on comfort and quality. The mask materials are soft and pleasant to the touch, which ensures comfortable long-term wear. The interior design of the mask is designed to be comfortable on the face and not scratched, which is important if you wear the mask longer.
- Creative: Lace animal mask with decorative stones is a gateway to mystery and fun. Just put it on and become an animal being. It is a way to express your creativity and enjoy the party.
- Versatile use: You can wear an animal lace mask to costume parties, carnivals, Halloween parties or a fun photo shoot with friends. It's an accessory that brings fun and joy wherever you find yourself. In addition to decorative stones you will always look elegant.
- Material: Polyester
- Package contents: 1 pcs
- Conclusion: Animal lace mask with stones brings joy and creativity. It is a supplement that will turn you into an elegant animal being and brings a smile on everyone's face around you. Add this mask to your wardrobe and be ready for an adventure in animal style..
Szállítás és kézbesítés
Expressz: Szállítás 2024. november 27., Sze - 2024. december 12., Cs között
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Elégedettségi garancia
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