Ajándék minden vásárláshoz
ÜGYFÉLSZOLGÁLAT: H - P a 6:00 - 18:00 GST
Szállítási garancia
Firing plane with gun Foam plane with firing plastic gun for children Children outdoor toy 34 cm
Firing plane with gun Foam plane with firing plastic gun for children Children outdoor toy 34 cm
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Ingyenes szállítás
Firing plane with gun Foam plane with firing plastic gun for children Children outdoor toy 34 cm
Firing plane with gun Foam plane with firing plastic gun for children Children outdoor toy 34 cm

Firing plane with gun Foam plane with firing plastic gun for children Children outdoor toy 34 cm



4046 Ft

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Ingyenes szállítás
Ügyfél-elégedettségi garancia
Ajándék minden vásárláshoz
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Biztonságos fizetés

Firing plane with gun Foam plane with firing plastic gun for children Children outdoor toy 34 cm

This outdoor toy, a jet airplane with a gun, presents great fun for children of all ages. It's designed to combine fun with physical movement. and offers an amazing opportunity for children to learn the basics of physics and aerodynamics through the game. made of soft but durable foam material, which is safe for children and at the same time robust enough to withstand even more demanding outdoor playing.

Main characteristics:

  • Safety material: The plane is made of light but durable foam material, which is also safe for younger children. The material is designed to withstand cracks and breakage, which guarantees the long life of a toy.
  • Plastic firing pistol: Part of the set is a plastic pistol that is easy to handle even for small children's hands. The gun works on the principle of elastic firing, allowing the aircraft to reach an impressive distance.
  • Size and Design: The length of the aircraft is 34 cm, which is the ideal size for children's games. Design is attractive and colorful, which captures and stimulates children's imagination.
  • Educational value: The toy offers a practical way for children to learn about the basics of aerodynamics and physics. By experimenting with different angles and batting forces, they can observe different trajectory of flight and learn from these experiences..
  • Outdoor gaming: The plane is ideal for playing in the open space, such as gardens, parks or beaches. Supports active game and motivates children to spend more time outdoors.
  • Properties: durable material, outdoor, for children, easy handling, easy to use
  • Dimensions: 34 cm
  • Colour of the pistol: Blue, red
  • Material: ABS, EPP
  • Package contents: 1x pistol, 1x plane

The use of this toy can bring children many joyous moments full of laughter and excitement, while at the same time developing their physical skills such as eye-hand coordination, precision and motor skills. Playing with the plane is not only about fun, but also about discovering and learning new skills.

Thanks to its durable design and safe materials, the aircraft is suitable for frequent use and can easily withstand rougher handling, It's a great choice for families looking for a toy that supports an active game while being safe and educational.

Putting this type of toy into your child's game can positively affect its physical development while providing hours of fun and joy. Not only do children gain the opportunity to learn through practical activities, but they can also engage in meaningful interaction with peers and family. not only a toy, but also a valuable tool for the development and education of young minds.

Szállítás és kézbesítés

  • Expressz: Szállítás 2024. október 5., Szo - 2024. október 20., V között


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Elégedettségi garancia

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2902 Marina Plaza, Dubai Marina, Dubaj, Egyesült Arab Emírségek

Azonosító szám: 996224

Adószám: 100473893400003

Ügyfélszolgálat 6:00-tól 18:00-ig GST


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