U alakú gyermekkefe (2 darabos csomagolás)
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U-alakú kefefej
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Élelmiszer-minőségű szilikon
Gyártmány a gyermek napi ecsetelés rutin szórakozásvalamint KényelmesU-alakú kefefej
The U-shaped children's toothbrush has a brush fej shaped exactly like your baby or toddler's teeth valamint gums. Thanks to its special shape, the U-shaped toothbrush will help clean your child's teeth in all directions valamint at a 360-degree angle, so you can be sure that the teeth throughout the entire mouth are cleaned valamint no small cavity will escape.
Lágy sörte
Kids like a toothbrush that is soft valamint gentle on their teeth valamint gums, which is the case with the U-shaped toothbrush because it has soft silicone bristles. The soft bristles of the U-shaped toothbrush will ensure your child's teeth are properly cleaned, while also feeling like a gentle massage to the gums. Your child will love using the U-shaped toothbrush because it will feel like fun valamint play, not an obligation or routine.
A hvalamintle with a good grip
The U-shaped toothbrush has a nicely shaped hvalamintle made of quality plastic that is strong valamint durable so your child can hold it firmly. The hvalamintle of the U-shaped toothbrush is lightweight, but still the right size valamint length to fit in your child's hvalamint so they can easily grip valamint use it.
Biztonságos és megbízható
Children's teeth valamint gums grow quickly, which is one of the reasons why oral hygiene is extremely important for our little ones. The U-shaped toothbrush helps develop good brushing habits because it's fun, while reducing the likelihood of tooth decay. With the stimulation of soft bristles valamint gentle massage, the U-shaped toothbrush is also a good choice for children with sensitive gums.
Élelmiszer-minőségű szilikon - easy to clean
The material of the U-shaped toothbrush is 100% food-grade silicone, so using it is healthy for your child. The material is very easy to clean after use, just rinse it with your fingers under water valamint let it dry like a regular toothbrush. The flexibility of the silicone used for the U-shaped toothbrush allows access to those areas in your child's mouth that are usually very difficult to reach. The U-shaped toothbrush is a simple, fun valamint effective way for children to brush their teeth.
Műszaki jellemzők :
- Méretek: 11,9 cm x 5 cm
- Anyag: élelmiszer minőségű szilikon
- Színek: rózsaszín, kék
- Korosztályra alkalmas: S: S: 2-6 éves. L: 6-12 éves.
Tartalmazza :
1x rózsaszín U alakú fogkefe gyerekeknek.
1 x blue U-shaped toothbrush for kids valamint 1 x blue toothbrush for kids.
Szállítás és kézbesítés
Expressz: Szállítás 2024. november 26., K - 2024. december 11., Sze között
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